Page 5 - IntelliTrac Brochure 2019
P. 5

Garbage Trucks

         In Cabin Maintenance Logging

                                                                             Garbage Truck & Street Sweeper Tracking >
                            Broken          Mobile Data Terminal
         Not Out  Not Out  Not Out  Bin                                      Since 2005 IntelliTrac has been developing GPS
                                            2 Way Messaging
                                                                             tracking solutions for the waste management and
                                            Log Bin Faults                   street sweeping industry.
          Tipped   Tipped   Tipped   Access
          Over  Over  Over  Blocked         Log pot holes, lights out etc.
                                            Route                            In addition, IntelliTrac’s GIS team have worked
                                            Navigation                       closely with municipalities to integrate council GIS
                                                                             asset data thereby providing a wealth of reporting
                                                                             information based upon council asset databases
                                                                             such as road id and block id, and kerb and channel
                                                                             asset data.
                                                                             IntelliTrac’s  Waste Management Solution provides
                                                                             the following functionality on an easy to use, multi
                                                                             user web based environment:-

                                                                             Ÿ Track Vehicles In Real Time
                                           Mobile Digital Video Recorder
                                                                             Ÿ Show Bin Lift Locations
                                           Record 8 cameras                  Ÿ Show Sweeping Routes
                                           Photo capture bin not out         Ÿ Replay Journeys
                                           GPS Date Time Stamped             Ÿ Report KPI Data such as:-
                                                                                    Bin Lift Counts per route/period
                                           Live Streaming
                                                                                    Distances Travelled & Time Taken
                                           Easy Data Access                         Tipping Times and Distances
                                                                                    Average Sweeping Speeds
                                                                                    Distance Swept
                                                                                    Road Types Swept
   “Imagine                                                                  Ÿ Report Exception Data such as:-
                                                                                    Actual Vs Scheduled Work

                                                                                    Sweeping too fast
                                                                                    Sweeping where not required
                                                                                    Sweeping where no kerb & channel

   “Everyday we listen to your suggestions, and                              In addition an In Vehicle Data Terminal provides
                                                                             the following functionality:-
         we understand your business a little more                           Ÿ Log Road Maintenance Issues

                          and we just keep getting better                    Ÿ Log Bin Issues - Broken - Not Out
                                                                             Ÿ Log Unscheduled Jobs and Diversions
                                                                             Ÿ Navigation & Routing
                                                                             Ÿ Two Way Text Messaging - Job Dispatch
    Street Sweepers                                                          Ÿ Email staff issues for repair - eg:- Pot Holes

                                                                             Further functionality may be added such as:-

                                                                             Ÿ Video Recording of 4 camera’s
                                                                             Ÿ Photo Capture and Reporting of Bin Not Out
                                                                             Ÿ Pre-Trip Vehicle Checks
                                                                             Ÿ Driver RFID Swipe Cards
                                                                             Ÿ Vehicle Service Alerts by Email
                                                                             Ÿ Co2 Emissions Reporting
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