GPS Telematics Based CoR & WHS

Chain Of Responsibility
WHS, HSE Compliance

Fatigue Management eLogbook


"From the top down business owners, directors & managers all share responsibility in providing a safe workplace for all staff including field workers"

IntelliTrac provides a range of WHS/HSE (Work Health Safety Environment) and Chain of Responsibility solutions which are based around Vehicle telematics, GPS trackers and related smartphone and tablet apps.

IntelliTrac's offerings consist of the following:

  • Paperless Vehicle Pre-Start Check Lists
  • Driver Fatigue Management - NHVR or customised methods
  • Vehicle Maintenance Registers
  • In Vehicle SOS, Portable Man Down Pendants
  • Driver Behaviour Analysis & In Cabin Coaching
  • Vehicle load restraint check lists
  • Vehicle Load Mass Management
  • Work Order Distribution & Balancing
  • Journey Management Plans
  • Paperless incident reporting forms
  • Incident & Infringement Registers
  • Driver's Licence Validity, Endorsement & Retrictions Register
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Pre-Start Check Lists

The IntelliTrac Driver App Pre-Start Checklist Module provides the following features:

  • Driver Login via Username & Password and/or RFID Single Sign On
  • Single Sign On Vehicle Allocation or Scan vehicle QR Code
  • Mandatory Pre-Start check list process and/or review of previous daily driver checks
  • Checklists customisable by office managers & auto updated on mobile devices
  • Check lists can be customised for each individual vehicle or asset
  • Ability to add photo evidence
  • Flexible question/answer formats. Tick box, buttons, drop down, free text, photos
  • Immediate email, alert and reporting notification of critical & non critical issues
  • Ability to raise automated maintenance work orders

All captured data is visible in real time back at the office.

IntelliTrac's Driver App easily converts paper based pre-start checklists to electronic forms. Daily pre-start check lists quickly identify maintenance issues and report these immediately as alerts or work orders to managers, thus maintaning Chain of Responsibility Compliance as well as reliable, safe and serviceable vehicles.

NHVR Fatigue Management App


Fatigue Management Breached Reporting

Fatigue Management Exception Reports

IntelliTrac provides a number of flexible fatigue management exception reports and alerts to keep managers informed of driver performance and adherence to NHVR legislation or their own organisational WHS/HSE policies.

These reports may be automated and emailed on a daily, weekly or monthly schedule to both management and drivers.

IntelliTrac's flexible fatigue management reporting tools can be customised to be in line with NHVR or other Fatigue Legislation as it applies in different states, countries or oganisations and based on different types of vehicles driven.

NHVR CoR Based Fatigue Management

IntelliTrac NHVR based CoR Fatigue Management App operates on any Android device and interfaces directly with the The IntelliTrac Elite GPS Telematics Device to form a complete end to end NHVR Chain Of Responsibility Electronic Logbook which includes driver fatigue management

The CoR Driver App provides the following fatigue management functionality:

  • Driver Login via Username & Password and/or RFID Tag
  • Scan vehicle QR Code
  • Start Work - Opens Fatigue Management App
  • Visual & Spoken instructions of when to start rest breaks or stop work
  • Visual bar graph indications of work over a 14 day period
  • Activity Diary showing previous periods of work & highlighting breaches
  • Ability for Police Checks & Comments

All captured trip data, logbook data etc. is visible in real time at the office.


Vehicle Maintenance Records

Vehicle Maintenance Records

Whilst unplanned vehicle maintenance is addressed by IntelliTrac's Prestart Checklist module, planned inspections, servicing, maintenance and configurable reminders are made easy with IntelliTrac's Fleet Service Manager Module.

Maintenance may then be logged and tracked using IntelliTrac's vehicle maintenance and repair records, thus providing traceability and auditability to ensure your organisation's chain of responsibility obligations are met.

IntelliTrac also provides a suite or reports and dashboards to keep fleet managers informed of statistical breakdown and repair data for each vehicle in their fleet.

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SOS & Man Down Buttons & Pendants

IntelliTrac provides a number of SOS, Duress and Man Down options as follows:

  • In vehicle mounted SOS button interfaced to the IntelliTrac Elite or Eclipse range of GPS Trackers
  • Short range 4 button SOS button interfaced to the IntelliTrac Elite GPS Tracker
  • Long Range SOS 1,2,3 or 4 button UHF remote control interfaced to the IntelliTrac Elite or Eclipse range of GPS Trackers
  • Standalone IntelliTrac Escort personal GPS tracker with SOS button and Man Down Function
  • Integration to 3rd party products such as SPOT personal tracker
SOS Button & Personal GPS Tracker


Vehicle Maintenance Records

Driver Behaviour Analysis In Cabin Coaching

IntelliTrac provides a comprehensive driver behaviour analysis and in cabin coaching module which is flexible and Scalable to meet individual organisation requirements. The solution consist of the following building blocks:

  • Basic Driver Behaviour RAG scoring as based on the mining industry
  • Advanced Driver behaviour scoring based on the insurance telematics industry
  • Basic Audio/Visual in cabin coaching harsh braking, acceleration, cornering, hi speed
  • Advanced in cabin coaching via mobile data terminal advising posted speed limits
  • Driver behaviour dashboards with drill down reporting
  • Driver behaviour leader boards
  • Driver behaviour scorecards at an individual, departmental and organisational hierarchy

"Vehicle Load Restraint"

Chain of Responsibilty WHS/HSE also takes into consideration that vehicles are loaded correctly so that loads are not too heavy and adequately secured and balanced on the vehicle so that they do not move in the case of cornering, acceleration, braking or collision.
IntelliTrac's Transport Management System provides mechanisms to manage vehicle loading including:

  • Warehouse picking and loading according to delivery
  • Calculation of estimated weights
  • Warehouse loader compliance sign off (on loader app)
  • Driver load check compliance sign off (on app)
Transport Courier Management System - Truck Loading Compliance
IntelliTrac Vehicle Scales

Mass Management
Vehicle Scales

IntelliTrac provides organisations the ability to be compliant with CoR Mass Management by integrating the IntelliTrac IT300 Elite GPS Tracking Device as well as the IntelliTrac Driver App to either:

  • Manually Self Declare weights on up to 4 axles and calculate gross weight.
  • Automatically read vehicle scales and declare weights.

Alerts are available to show drivers they are reaching allowable mass limits. Data is transmitted in real time to IntelliTrac's servers for easy viewing, reporting and generating alerts for office managers, compliance officers and dispatchers.

Compatible with Loadman, Elphinstone & Accuweigh vehicle scales.

Planning daily tasks & travelling routes is also important in maintaining a safe workplace.

With IntelliTrac's Bizzow Jobs Module and Route Optimisation Tools managers are able to schedule and allocate jobs to drivers whilst ensuring that travel times are taken into consideration, therefore minimising the risk of speeding in order to complete daily activities.

Bizzow "Job Maps" feature alllows managers to drag and drop jobs onto a map and then "join the dots" to allow Bizzow to calculate travelling times and job times to ensure a smooth day's travelling and work is dispatched to field workers, whilst predicting that scheduled appointments with clients will be easily met without placing field workers under stress to hurry jobs or speed through traffic.

Work Order Balancing

IntelliTrac Bizzow Field Service Software Work Order Balancing
IntelliTrac Driver & Incident Register

Driver's Licence
& Incident Registers

Ensuring drivers have valid licences to drive various classifications of vehicles is of utmost importance within any organisation. IntelliTrac provides a comprehensive driver and incident register which captures and traces the following information:

  • Which driver was driving the vehicle for each trip
  • Driver Name, Address, Phone Number details
  • Driver's licence details including expiry, classification & restrictions
  • Demerit point recording to ensure licences are valid
  • Recording of driver traffic infringements and demerit points
  • Recording of driver incidences and accidents
  • IntelliTrac Logo
  •   11 Scholar Drive
         Bundoora Vic 3083 Australia
  •   +61 3 9467 6188
  •   1300 767 492
  •   Email Us

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We are committed to developing & bringing to market leading edge, reliable, affordable products & software solutions, that provide real benefits to our customers, backed by excellent customer service & support.

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